
The initiative


In 2020-2021, ESCP Business School developed a 16h mandatory course on Sustainability for the 800 students of the 1st-year Masters in Management. That course designed under the leadership of Aurélien Acquier and Valentina Carbone is an introduction to extensive sustainability knowledge: planetary limits, climate change, biodiversity loss, Anthropocene, governance, etc.

Considering the central role of energy and its core link with both climate change and the development of our societies, the Energy, Business, Climate & Geopolitics course was designed as a complementary elective 30-hour course for Masters 2 business students by Pierre Peyretou, Alexandre Joly, Aurélien Acquier and Charles Sirot.

Since January 2021, the course has been dispensed in multiple editions and has continued to evolve rapidly. The teachers continuously improve the pedagogical materials to provide courses and workshops as dynamic, interactive and efficient as possible.

This approach has been strengthened with the arrival of Hughes-Marie Aulanier, Auriane Clostre, Eliott Rabin, Sami Labat Tahri, Clara Giraldou and Juliette Leboda.

This website opening the course to the public has been designed and edited by Pierre Peyretou with the support of the ESCP Communication Team.

Fast-Track on Energy & Climate for Business Students

Students' Growing Demand & Very Positive Feedbacks


Urgency to Educate: 5 Gaps

The Paris Agreement objectives involve an urgent reduction in the amount of energy mobilized by our societies. These topics are only marginally and superficially covered in higher education, especially in business schools ("Student Manifesto for Ecological Wakeup" - Pour un Réveil Ecologique, "Mobilize higher education for climate" - The Shift Project)

In France, experts such as Jean-Marc Jancovici and the Shift Project have brought them to a broader audience. While these contents are essential for understanding the fundamental terms of the energy and climate equation, their huge business implications remain largely uncovered. From the perspective of a business leader:

  • What are the implications of the Paris Agreement for societies, economies and organizations?
  • At the micro level, what are the objectives for a company to set in order to conduct an appropriate climate strategy
  • Who bears the costs and how do we manage the risks, investments and processes of change needed to adapt organizations?
  • How should business contribute to sectorial, national and international regulations to design a relevant regulatory framework?

1. Climate Objectives vs. Actual Business Transformations.

2. Systemic Thinking vs. Silo Myopia

3. Real-life Tangible Description vs. Abstract Trajectories

4. Ambitious Strategic Business Shifts vs. Management Herd Behavior

5. Eco-anxiety vs. Denial & Cynicism


1. Scale Climate & Energy Education

2. Transmit & Build New Skills

3. Prepare for "what's coming"

Next Steps

Deploy & Replicate

Business schools need to invest a lot of resources and time in order to scale multidisciplinary research and education on planetary boundaries.

There are many reasons why ESCP Business School has published the course in open access as Creative Commons:

  • Give access to the ESCP students who are unable to follow the course (other programs, countries, etc.) as well as teachers (strategy, finance, marketing, operations, HR) and alumni.
  • Give access to students and teachers of other business schools: the urgency to act is such that collaboration amongst them should be developed to the greatest extent possible.
  • Give access to external actors such as companies and public organizations.
  • Spread knowledge on a wider scale, gain insights on experiments conducted in the business world by reinforcing links with alumni, students, professors, administration (ESCP Transition Network)
  • Promote and enact active collaboration and sharing with other higher education institutions (engineering, agriculture, social science, etc.), and especially with other business schools. Considering the urgency to act, classical competitive boundaries must be radically challenged in order to find collective solutions. Give each actor the opportunity to re-use directly and build on information rather than starting all over again for each actor.
  • The great majority of scientific reports (IPCC) and pedagogical content (Climate Fresk, Nos Gestes Climats) which the teachers used to learn and build the course on are free and in open access.

Collaboration with a dynamic Ecosystem

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