Energy, Business & Climate
Energy Big Picture
Country Analysis
Business Case
Focus modules, Workshops, Conferences and much more
The following presentations focus on a specific theme to provide a more detailed analysis.
Business & Climate Antagonims
Identify conflicts of interests between business priorities and climate objectives: a necessary diagnostic in understanding the main challenges faced by companies to reduce their emissions.
Carbon Neutrality & Greenwashing
Explanation why despite many claims, companies cannot be nor become carbon neutral to be or to target to become "carbon neutral"
Electricity Sector
The electrical system is strategic for a country and its "systemic" dimension highlights why we should not consider sources of energy one by one, but as part of a larger body.
(Di)Hydrogen is promoted by many in the media: some history and order of magnitudes of its real production and usages.
Building Scenarios
Build scenario to prepare for a more constrained and instable future.
Very concrete impacts of climate change on companies and cities in the future year and ways to get prepared.
Urban planning & CO2
Urban Planning structures emissions for transport, housing, shopping and is an illustrative example of challenges at all levels: society, public administration, companies, individuals.
Climate Change in France
Concrete impacts of Climate Change in France. Presentation produced before 2022 to answer: "In France, we are not impacted".
Practice Carbon Accounting
Estimate the CO2 emissions of a diesel car versus an electrical car.
Industry Footprint: Who's Who?
Guess the sectors described by different carbon accounting profiles.
Limits to Growth
How many years does it take to deplete a 1 000 unit stock when that resource consumption starts at 1 and grow by 5% every year?
Research Papers
Business education meets planetary boundaries: how to teach energy and climate in business schools?
Crafting new imaginaries for sustainability
La Banque Centrale Européenne a-t-elle lu les rapports du GIEC?
Entreprises et décroissance : (p)oser le débat
Du business sans énergie et sans climat ?
Rethink Business Classics (in French)
Courses recorded in video.
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